State President Prof Arthur Peter Mutharika has asked the CCAP General Assembly to work with government to end the rising cases of social injustices such as mob justice human trafficking and hatred.

The President has since assured the Church that his government will partner with the church to work for the betterment of the lives of people.

Prof Mutharika was speaking at Sanjika Palace in Blantyre, when he received in audience a delegation of the leadership of the CCAP General Assembly from all its five synods of Blantyre, Nkhoma, Livingstonia, Lusaka in Zambia and Harare in Zimbabwe.

Speaking when he welcomed the delegates, President Mutharika said his government appreciates the role that the church plays in people’s lives.

“Let me say here that I appreciate the role the five Synods, through the General Assembly, jointly play in providing for both the Soul and Body of our people. I know you have done this since the inception of your General Assembly in 1924,” he said.

He added that since his ascension to power his administration has enjoyed good relations with various denominations.

“Since I assumed office in June 2014, I have been meeting with various religious leaders and institutions, as I believe that together we make God’s creation – the human being, – complete; and that a cordial relationship that exists between government and the church is vital in finding concrete solutions to the needs of our people.”

“Together, we fight poverty, we fight hunger. Together we provide our people with education, health services, food, human security, and many more. We are partners in development. And together, we will do more,” stressed Prof Mutharika.

The Malawi leader asked the Church to look at rising cases of social injustices such as human trafficking, mob justice and hate, which he said are on the increase in recent time.

“While thinking about the great responsibility that the church leadership has, it pains me to see strange criminal behaviour happening among Christian communities: Killing people with Albinism? Mob justice? Human trafficking? Hate for each other? Finger pointing? Blame Game? The list is growing! Where are God’s Commandments? Where is the love that the Risen Christ left us with?” queried the President
He then called upon the leadership of the General Assembly to continue nurturing the Faith and Practice of its Christians because with Faith, everything is possible.

“When people have faith in God, they respect the Law; and they have faith in themselves. And they believe in themselves. And they believe in their capabilities. They respect each other. And they respect life. And they work hard. They become people of integrity; and they become patriotic to their country.”

Responding to the President’s remarks, Moderator of the General Assembly Reverend Timothy Nyasulu of the Livingstonia Synod pledged to work with the government to end some of the social ills happening in the country.

“As a Church we pledge our continue support to your government, because anything that happens to our faithful, affects us too,” he said.

“We will therefore continue to pray for the government, for the leadership and the country as a whole besides putting in place programmes strategically aimed at tackling the rise in social injustice.”

The CCAP General Assembly comprises Malawi’s three synods of Blantyre, Nkhoma and Livingstonia plus the synods of Lusaka in Zambia and Harare in Zimbabwe.

Other churches under the CCAP are in Tanzania, Mozambique and South Africa. In total the church has almost 10 million followers in the five countries.

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