The Mkukula Magistrate Court of Dowa on Monday sentenced Juliet Chiwaya to a fine of MK50,000 for scalding his husband’s genitals with boiling water on cheating allegations.

Chiwaya was arrested on March 29 after she had handed herself in to Kanengo Police after the incident that took place at her home in Area 49, Lilongwe.

The court heard that on the material day Juliet committed the crime after someone told her that her husband, Maxwell Chiwaya, was seeing another woman.

Juliet went home where she boiled water and scalded the unsuspecting Chiwaya around the genital area.

The man sustained serious injuries and he was rushed to hospital unconscious while Juliet, shocked by her own act, rushed to police.

Juliet pleaded guilty before the court and passing the sentence; First Grade Magistrate Cecilia Onsewa condemned the act and slapped her with the fine to deter other would-be-offenders.

Juliet has since paid the fine and she has walked to freedom.

Meanwhile, Kanengo Police has condemned the tendency of men who fall victims of gender-based violence saying they interfere with the case proceedings demanding release of the offensive spouses.

“We have had several cases of abused men demanding release of their spouses and this interferes with the prosecution process,” explained Kanengo Deputy Public Relations Officer, Const. Salome Chibwana, adding that it was a similar case with Chiwaya’s case.

Juliet, 33, hails from Malambima Village, TA Kaphuka Dedza, while Chiwaya, 36, comes from Unyolo Village TA Chikumbu, Mulanje, and the two have been married for 14 years.

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