Veteran politician Gwanda Chakuamba has announced his comeback to frontline politics and has shown commitment to support the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) under President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika.

Chikwamba disclosed this on Friday during a rally that the ruling Party held in the Southern district of Chikwawa at Nchalo ground.

Speaking during the rally, Chakwamba said he decided to join DPP as a token of appreciation to President Bingu wa Mutharika who directed that 81 year old Chakuamba be flown to South Africa when he seriously got ill.

“After hearing that you are coming here, I decided to come to give a special thank you to you Mr. President for serving my life by sending me to South Africa to receive medical treatment.

“At my age, the rest of my life I want to support DPP. And in 2019, I will do everything possible to make sure that DPP win all parliamentary seats in Nsanje and Chikwawa” he said.

Chakuamba then urged people from Chikwawa to support President Mutharika and his administration.

Chakuamba is among the few respected politicians who have struggled and served the country since 1960.

He served as a cabinet minister in various portfolios from 1960 before his arrest in 1980 as he was charged with treason by the then ruling Malawi Congress Party (MCP) in the one party state ruled by late Ngwazi Dr. Hastings Kamuzu Banda.

Chakuamba was released in 1993 and after Malawi attained multiparty democracy in 1994, he served as leader of opposition in parliament.

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