Information reaching FaceofMalawi indicates that President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika ordered state controlled television (MBC TV) to beam live meeting between him and Public Affairs Committee (PAC) to silence delegates.

The meeting was aimed at presenting the resolutions to the President made during February PAC meeting where Malawi Congress Party (MCP) and opposition People’s Party (PP) proposed for Mutharika’s resignation within 90 days.

Many Malawians were shocked to see the yesterday’s meeting at Kamuzu Palace being beamed live with others taking the issue on the social media.

Despite beaming the meeting live, PAC officials, led by its chairman Reverend Felix Chingota seemed not to be intimidated by the high level presence of all cabinet ministers and most of ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) governing council members as well as a dozen of the president’s aids.

Chingota read out all recommendations made at the PAC indaba a few months ago, telling the President realities on the ground, problems ordinary Malawians are facing ranging from scarcity of food especially maize and economic hardship facing Malawians and is slowing down development in most sectors.

Chingota pointed out the eroding rule of law, the appointment of cabinet by the President based on political patronage, the refusal by the President to reduce his presidential powers, among others.

But Mutharika remained adamant, saying he hate deadlines.

Writing on his official Facebook page after the meeting on Thursday, Mutharika said: “What was of essence in today’s meeting was that all of us who are placed in privileged positions of national service should always put Malawians first when we undertake our duties.

“We must not be driven by mere speculation and exterior forces when we intend to bring forth national agenda rather we should always collectively point our energies towards improving livelihoods.”

He added:My government is always ready to openly discuss all national matters so as to grant you my fellow countrymen and women a chance to make informed decisions in as far as your contribution to Malawi is concerned.”

When asked whether the meeting achieved its intended purpose, Chingota said he was not pleased with how Mutharika handled the meeting.

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