President Arthur Peter Mutharika on Saturday evening joined a host of invited guests at Crossroads Hotel to celebrate a wedding reception for his long-time aide, Ben Phiri who has married his sweetheart, Twamiche Chimungu.

The two lovebirds earlier in the day exchanged matrimonial vows at an officiation held at Calvarly Family Church (CFC) in Falls Estate, Lilongwe.

CFC Senior Pastor, Apostle Dr Madalitso Mbewe led the two in bonding their love with vows that he said signify the lifetime commitment just the same as man has with Jesus Christ. He emphasized the need for the couple to hide all their plans, aspirations and fears in prayer to God who answers everything.

After being pronounced husband and wife, Ben and Twamie took a share of their wedding celebrations to family and friends at Crossroads Complex at a colourful ceremony which was attended by high level dignitaries including the Head of State and the First Lady.

Offering advice to the couple as toastmaster was Vice President, Saulos Chilima, who told Dr. Phiri that winning a hand in marriage from Twami was an indication of God’s blessings which calls for him unwavering love for his sweetheart.

Among other top government officials who took part on the night’s program were Hon. Atupele Muluzi who led cake-cutting session and Justice Minister Samuel Tembenu who read out Dr. Phiri’s life profile.

One notable feature of the night was a Zambian hit song, Nilibe Pulobulemu, which repeatedly stole the show every time it was played by the DJ.

The ‘Nilibe Pulobumenu’s limelight came a result of not too distant memories linking the song to President Mutharika who openly referred to it during a development rally.

Both the officiation and reception were also attended by diplomats from several foreign missions in the country notable among were US Ambassador to Malawi Virginia Palmer, Japanese and Chinese ambassadors among several others.

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