Police in Mzuzu city are looking for a woman who dumped a baby girl in Professor Peter Mwanza forest situated at Kaning’ina in Mzuzu city.

The baby who is suspected to be three weeks old was found dumped on 01st May 2016 by Mr Ringo Mbukwa a court marshall at Mzuzu High Court.

“The marshall was going to his plot and passed through the said forest. He was suprised to find the baby alone in the forest while well wrapped.

“When he shouted for her mother, no one responded,” reads in part the police statement.

According to Police, Mr Mbukwa reported to the matter to Police who visited the place and found the baby still alone.

The baby is currently at Mzuzu Central Hospital for care and safety.

Meanwhile investigations are underway to trace the mother of the baby.

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