President Arthur Peter Mutharika has once again warned against abductions, killings and exhumations of the remains of people with albinism.

He has since ordered more action and vigilance on the part of law enforcers. At an audience he held on Thursday with representatives from Association of People with Albinism in Malawi (APAM), the President strongly spoke against the tendency saying it is inhuman from whichever perspective one looks at it.

“My government remains committed to protect and promote the life and rights of people with albinism and we will not tolerate this malpractice, which has brought fear and sense of insecurity among persons with albinism, their relatives and friends. This is evil, and a threat to the most fundamental human rights in our constitution. And we will deal accordingly with those that are associated with this barbaric act,” said President Mutharika.

He added, “We have intensified surveillance and investigations, and also intensified our working relationship with the APAM; and the fruits are visible.”

The President expressed displeasure at rising cases of violence against albinism despite several public pronouncements by himself and other prominent persons and institutions.

The fight against the vice is also being undertaken in coordination with neighbouring countries and United Nations among others. “Let me also inform you that I allowed the UN Special Envoy on Albinism to assist us with the best practices on how to deal with the atrocities using the countries she deals with. As you are aware, atrocities committed against persons with albinism are violations of human rights which the UN addresses.”

The President also stated that he has set up a technical Committee which will monitor the implementation of the initiatives that Government has put in place to curb the malpractices. Government has also included traditional healers in the fight because all this conduct comes as a result of ritual beliefs bring perpetrated by witchdoctors.

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