Residents of Msemwe village Traditional Authority Simphasi in Mchinji woke up in awe on Monday morning when they discovered the body of a 20 year old boy with albinism had been exhumed from the grave.

Patrick Katutu, a teacher at Mbachundu Primary School which is near the graveyard told MANA villagers were surprised to see a coffin of Sopriano Felix a man living with albinism who died and on 20th April 2016 exhumed from the grave.Albino body

“Yesterday, when we passed by the cemetery , we saw the coffin with Felix’s remains which were buried on 21st April, on top of the grave, the cover of the coffin was broken into pieces and we did not see the body of the deceased, and we alerted the Police,” He Said.

Mchinji Police spokesperson Moses Kajawa Nyirenda confirmed the body of the deceased with albinism who died at Kamuzu Central Hospital after battling tuberculosis was exhumed from the grave.

Nyirenda said the police and a forensic officer from Mchinji District Hospital discovered that arms and legs of the deceased were all removed by unknown people.

The Police are looking for the criminals who exhumed the body, and the remains have since been reburied.

Meanwhile residents of Msemwe village say two more people with albinism in the area are living in fear due to the incident.

“We want protection for the two people with albinism in the area, because we know the criminals will now target them,” Patrick Katutu said.mana

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