Negligence continues to show its ugly face in the country’s public hospitals with the latest story being that of Wenya Health Centre in the Northern District of Karonga.

According to information at hand, the teenage girl was brought to the clinic by her uncle and she died unattended.

Writing on his official Facebook page, Bishop Martin Mtumbuka of Karonga Dioceses said the girl was brought to the clinic in the early hours of Wednesday, 11 May 2016 but she was attended to on Thursday night and few hours late she died.

Worse still, the uncle had to walk on foot for a distance of 25kilometres while carrying the remains of the deceased on his back, thanks to Mtumbuka who offered them a lift.

The highly charged Mtumbuka expressed shock over the death, saying the death is clear sign that someone is failure.

“When we say we have failed some people in this country some people think we are only ungrateful people who have nothing to say. But what should these very poor and troubled souls thank the people of this country for? Is there anybody who really cares about them? I suppose they are important in so far as they can vote and clap hands.

“This totally is unacceptable in a functioning state,” said Mtumbuka.

Mtumbuka said the girl had insufficient blood.

Meanwhile officials from the Ministry of Health are yet to comment on the matter.

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