Dedza East Member of Parliament Juliana Lunguzi met former President and founder of opposition People’s Party (PP) Dr. Joyce Banda at Copenhagen, Denmark.

Lunguzi is in Denmark for this year’s Women Deliver Conference together with Chief Kyungu of Karonga.

The conference is organized for the betterment of Girls and Women, while ensuring that Boys do not get left behind.

Speaking after meeting Banda, Lunguzi said she was delighted to meet Malawi’s former President.

She said the first she met Banda was in June 2010 in Washington, DC during yet another Women Deliver Conference.

“That time – 2010, I was working with UNFPA, while JB was the Vice President of the Republic of Malawi.

“She then rose to the presidency of Malawi and we were, during Campaign 2014, pitted on opposite sides,” said Lunguzi.

She added: “She was, as you know, the Peoples Party’s (PP) flag carrier; while I was making maiden steps at parliamentary level under the banner of my beloved MCP.

“Today, PP and MCP are in opposition, together, providing checks and balances in this our chosen dispensation of the plural politics we are enjoying.”
Lunguzi further said: “This is all the more reason to conclude that “amoyo salekana” and that our political differences should not make us enemies.”

Banda left the country just after the May 2014 tripartite election which saw the then opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) under President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika emerging victorious.

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