As the plunder of resources continue to rock the country, the Office of Office of the Director of Public Officers Declaration has said it will start asking envoys in Malawi foreign missions to start declaring their assets.

The development follows the arrest of Deputy Ambassador to Ethiopia for allegedly being involved in the plunder of money amounting to K293 million.

Speaking in an interview with the press on Tuesday, Asserts Director Chris Tukula his office has decided to shift its attention to Malawi embassies following the continued plunder of resources in these offices.

Tukula said it would be easier to track down embassy money thieves if staff involved in procurement, heads of department and senior staff are forced to declare their assets.

Tukula however complained that this job and other assignments might be compromised because of lack of money following the government decision to squeeze its budget for 2016/17 from K800 million which the office had submitted to K480 million.

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