President Peter Mutharika says any civil servant caught stealing public resources will be dismissed from service as their conduct is detrimental to national development.

The President issued the directive at a public rally he addressed at Chitipa Airfield in Chitipa on Wednesday.

Prof. Mutharika said stealing public resources such as hospital drugs and equipment is denying the general populace their right to access social services.

“This tendency of stealing from the government should stop forthwith. Any civil servant caught on the wrong will be fired immediately; no more suspensions,” he warned.

On development the President asked the people of Chitipa to work with the government in order to develop the district.

He said in most areas development is slowed by people refusing to give up pieces of land earmarked for development projects.

“Some people are slowing down progress as they refuse to give up their land or part of it while others request too much compensation which is detrimental to development,” he noted.

As an extension to development in regards to housing for police officers, the Malawi leader disclosed that time for change has come.
He said soon government will commence construction of 10,000 houses for officers in Malawi Police Service, Malawi Defence Force, Malawi Prisons and Immigration department.

On other matters of national importance the President called upon people of Chitipa to remain vigilant and coordinate with law enforcers in stopping violence against people living with albinism.

He said the world is laughing at Malawi for such a primitive mentality by few individuals.

President Mutharika then advised the youth to desist from abusing social media technologies.

“ Let’s use social media to advance development not hate.”

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