United Democratic Front (UDF) Member of Parliament for Balaka north Lucius Banda has maintained his earlier stand demanding free Wi-Fi internet access in the National Assembly despite criticisms from Malawians.

During questions in Parliament during the week, Banda asked Minister of Information Particia Kaliati that government should provide free Wi-Fi internet access within the House of Parliament.

He said the free internet will help MPs to search information on matters arising during debate.

The remarks received heavy criticism from Malawian especially those on the social media with others accusing him putting personal interest in the forefront at the expense of poor Malawians who are suffering with hunger.

Others went further asking him to withdraw the request, saying the country’s economy cannot accommodate personal interest at the moment.

Writing on his official Facebook page few hours ago, Banda said he is not withdrawing the statement and he owes no any apology.

“I was joking there is no way I can apologise for doing what is right. I stand by my point parliament needs Wi-Fi whether free or not Kaya Koma we need WiFi,” wrote Banda.

On Monday, Opposition MPs led by Wakuda Kamanga almost boycotted Parliament demanding a MK3 million General Purpose Fund loan.

The MPs went further threatening government that they will shoot down the 2016/17 national budget presented in the house by Minister of Finance and Economic Development Goodall Gondwe if government fails to meet their demands.

It took the intervention of leader of Opposition Dr. Lazarus Chakwera for deliberations to resume in Parliament.

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