The fired opposition People’s Party (PP) provincial chair for the north Christopher Mzomera Ngwira has described Rumphi East MP who is also the Party’s third Vice President for the north Kamlepo Kalua as a person who lacks followers.

Mzomera Ngwira said this in an interview with Daily Times newspaper when he was reacting to the accusation by Kalua that he was behind the low turnouts that characterised PP’s recent political rally in Karonga.

Kalua is quoted in the paper accusing Ngwira of decampaigning the Party by going rounds telling people to patronize PP rallies.

Reacting to the claims, Ngwira described Kamlepo’s remarks as baseless.

“The accusations are childish. How can I invest my energy to sink a ship that has already hit the bottom of the sea? Need I mention that Kamlepo has no following since the days of his Malawi Democratic Party, so fighting him is a waste of time,” Ngwira is quoted as saying in the Daily Times.

Ngwira further blamed Joyce Banda’s self-imposed exile as the main contributing factor to the continued shrinking of the Party.

Mzomera Ngwira was fired from the Party for causing confusion by among other things appointing former Vice President Khumbo Hastings Kachali as the Interim leader of the Party.

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