British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) World Service in London has hired the services of two Malawian broadcasters namely Joab Frank Chakhaza of Zodiak Broadcasting Station (ZBS) and Chipiliro Kansilanga of Times Group.

The two are currently in UK doing postgraduate studies under the prestigious UK government’s Chevening Scholarship Programme.

Chakhaza and Kansilanga were among the 10 students who were selected for four-month placements at BBC.

Chipiliro Kansilanga will be attached to BBC Media Action in East London while Joab Frank Chakhaza will be attached with BBC Focus on Africa – Radio.
The placement runs from 5 September 2016 to 4 January 2017. The two will still be supported by the UK government.

The work placements are part of many exciting packages under the Chevening Scholarship Programme that are arranged by the UK government.

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