By: Robert Kumwenda

Globally many countries are facing economic tough times and Malawi under the leadership of President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika is not an exceptional.

Most businesses and organizations have also been affected by the tough economic times the country and the World at large are going through and Medical Aid Society of Malawi (MASM) has not been spared from these problems.

MASM Chief Executive Officer Sydney Chikoti said that the clinic has seen a decrease in membership from 278 to 163.

He said this is because in the past two to three years donors stopped funding organizations in the country a thing which resulted in most non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) closing up their projects.

“Our profit has also gone down to MK400 million from MK500 million last year but our priority is for our members not making the profits,” he said.

MASM CEO added that they are bringing in new schemes, saying that the aim to assist people of low incomes to access their services.

He further said that they are also bringing in a new system to combat fraud.

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