A man was on Sunday morning found hanging to the roof of his house at Njewa village in Lilongwe.

Confirming the incidence to the Malawi News Agency (Mana), Lilongwe Police station spokesperson Inspector Kingsley Dandaula identified the deceased person as White Kanyenda from Menyanga village in the area of Traditional Authority (TA) Jalasi in Mangochi district.

He said the incidence occurred a day after his wife had gone to attend to a tombstone unveiling ceremony at a nearby village in the same area of TA Njewa.

“It is alleged that after the wife had gone to the tombstone unveiling ceremony on Saturday, the man chased his children and told them not to sleep in the house.

“This meant that the children and the wife were not at the house and on the following morning, he was found hanging to the roof of his house at the sitting room,” said Dandaula.

The matter was reported to Police and postmortem conducted revealed that death was due to suffocation.

Police are advising the general public not to resort to suicide when they have issues in the family.

“We have the Victim Support Unit at the Police, there are marriage counsellors, church leaders in the communities and other various public and private institutions available for assistance,” said Dandaula.

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