Hundreds of Zimbabwean citizens took to the streets on Thursday in three major cities in South Africa, calling for Robert Mugabe to step down.

According to media reports, they threatened to shut down embassies and vowed to continue with their call.

“We want a new government where a legit ambassador is going to be assigned to come here and represent the interests of Zimbabweans in the diaspora, in particular in South Africa,” said Shelton Shiyangwa, one of the organisers.

“We are saying enough is enough. We are tired of Mugabe’s doings in our country. We want our country back”, said Juma Ulete a protester.

The Zimbabwean embassies in Capetown, Johannesburg and Pretoria came to a stand still as the angry crowd presented their list of demands.

Zimbabwe has been paralysed by protests in recent weeks with residents decrying the economic crisis plaguing the country and they are calling for Robert Mugabe who has ruled the country for over 3 decades to step down.AFP

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