Comedian cum-activist Michael Usi has advised the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) administration under President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika to tread carefully on the recent land bill passed in the National Assembly.

The national assembly on Thursday last week passed a customary land bill which will see Malawians paying for the land they inherited from their ancestor.

The bill was tabled in Parliament by youthful Minister of Lands and Housing Atupele Muluzi who said all land holders will be demanded to register their land and then start paying tax.

The bill raised controversy in the house with opposition MPs led by Malawi Congress Party (MCP) President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera, saying Malawians will not afford the fees.

But DPP MPs remained adamant and passed the bill.

Speaking during a public lecture held at Comesa Hall on Sunday under the tittle ‘Ali ndi Ambuyawo’, Usi advised the DPP to think twice on the bill, saying it’s not on for Malawians to be paying on their land inherited from ancestor.

“My free advice to DPP and President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika is don’t start a war that you can’t win you will end up being embarrassed,” said Usi.

Usi said DPP could have first consulted the chiefs before taking the bill to Parliament.

Turning to political landscape in the country since 1964, Usi expressed concern the tendency of pulling each other’s down especially on those in position, saying this is affecting the development of the country.

Usi advised politicians to unite and move together in developing the country.

“Malawi is for all of us not for DPP or PP. I will be a happy person to see Malawi Congress Party (MCP) officials attending DPP rally and DPP officials attending a rally of MCP.

“Politics of intimidation is not helping this country at all,” said Usi attracting the ululation of the audience who filled the Comesa Hall to capacity.

The Public lecture also saw the presence of People’s Party (PP) spokesperson Ken Msonda and other DPP and MCP officials.

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