Following rumours that have been going around in the social media that Polytechnic students stage demonstrations against the University Council’s decision to hike fees for both Mature and normal entry students, information sourced by FaceofMalawi indicates that security has been tightened in Blantyre.

According our reporter who is in the street of Blantyre, said there is heavy police presence in Blantyre, especially around Ginnery Corner up to Polytechnic.

The students from Polytechnic failed to join fellow students Chancellor College in Zomba due to the fact that they were writing exams and now they are through.

The Chanco demonstrations reached a peak on Tuesday when they blocked the John Chilembwe Highway at Matawale in Zomba, forcing US second lady Dr Jill Biden to cut short her trip to Machinga.

Chanco has since been closed.

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