Opposition People’s Party (PP) Third Vice President Kamlepo Kalua who is also Rumphi East Member of Parliament has challenged President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika on social media that he does not take orders from anyone apart from the people of Rumphi East.

Kalua’s remarks follow an order by President Mutharika on Monday that he should release names of the alleged rotten seven Cabinet Ministers within 24-hours or shut up forever.

Writing on his official Facebook Page, Kalua said he is not Auditor General or Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB).

“I do not take orders from anyone apart from the people of Rumphi East, what is eating me is the truth, what is eating me is the oath of secrecy we took, what is eating me is knowing that files containing these names are with ACB, Auditor General and the HE wants me to name? Sad! The truth shall come out one way or the other with or without Kamlepo.

“Fact remains that Billions were stolen by people some of whom are ministers today! Therefore I also give u 24hrs, make me Attorney General, make me head of ACB and I will name with the immunity that comes with these positions, if you don’t, you should resign Sir!,” wrote Kalua.

Kalua further challenged Mutharika that he is ready for anything even if it means sacrificing his own life.

Preliminary audits of government finances between 2009 and 2014, carried out by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and financed by the German government, indicate that at least K577 bn. ($807 mn.) could not be accounted for.

Later, the estimated loss was reduced to K236 bn. ($330 mn.), still a gigantic figure for such a small country, about one third of the government’s annual budget.

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