Auditor General Stephenson Kamphasa has come out of his cocoon to back President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika on the alleged seven Cabinet Ministers implicated in the MK237 billion cashgate scandal, saying no Minister is implicated in the scam.

Kamphasa said this on Wednesday in the capital Lilongwe during a media briefing.

He said his office contains only the names the companies implicated in the report and the names have already been handed to the Anti-Corruption Bureau.

“The report only stated facts about differences between cashbooks and bank statements. The report did not make any statement or mention any person or any company but only made the differences and recommended for further investigations to be carried out which later was carried out by RSM. The report came out with issues relating to 13 case files of course after reducing the figure from MK577 Billion to MK236 Billion,” said the AG.

“These case files are supposed to be looked at by other institutions especially law enforcers like ACB, Police or Director of Public Prosecution – DPP. These files were handed over to ACB ensure that they can make further investigations,” explained the AG.

Kamphasa’s defence comes amid verbal between President Mutharika and Rumphi East Member of Parliament Kamlepo Kalua.

Mutharika on Monday in Salima ordered Kalua to within 24-hours feed him with the names of Cabinet Ministers implicated in the report or shut up forever.

But in reaction, Kalua also gave Mutharika 24-hours to follow the constitution and release the names or he should resign as President of the country.
“I do not take orders from anyone apart from the people of Rumphi East, what is eating me is the truth, what is eating me is the oath of secrecy we took, what is eating me is knowing that files containing these names are with ACB, Auditor General and the HE wants me to name? Sad! The truth shall come out one way or the other with or without Kamlepo.

“Fact remains that Billions were stolen by people some of whom are ministers today! Therefore I also give u 24hrs, make me Attorney General, make me head of ACB and I will name with the immunity that comes with these positions, if you don’t, you should resign Sir!,” said Kalua.

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