A multitude of people converged at Zomba Catholic Cathedral today to pay their last respects to the late Fr. Simon Nyalugwe who passed away on Friday August 19, 2016 and was laid to rest today at Zomba Cathedral cemetery.

The Requiem Mass (Mass for the dead) was led by Bishop George Desmond Tambala of Zomba Diocese assisted by Archbishop Thomas Luke Msusa of Blantyre Archdiocese, Bishop Emeritus Alessandro Pagani of Mangochi Diocese, Bishop Montfort Sitima of Mangochi Diocese, Bishop Peter Musikuwa of Chikwawa Diocese and Bishop Emeritus Allan Chamgwera of Zomba Diocese.

In his eulogy, Bishop Tambala among other things appealed to young people in a special way to answer God’s call to priesthood to fill the place of departed priests.

Late Fr. Simon Nyalugwe whose home parish was Sitima Parish was born on March 17, 1968.

His long journey to priesthood started at Saint Stanslous Preparatory Seminary at Thondwe where he did Standard 7 and 8. He later proceeded to Child Jesus Seminary (Nankhunda) to do secondary school education.

In 1989 he joined Saint Anthony’s Major Seminary to study Philosophy and in 1992 proceeded to Saint Peter’s Major Seminary in Zomba for Theological studies.

Late Fr. Simon Nyalugwe was ordained as a deacon in January 1996 and on July 13, 1996 he was ordained as a priest by late Bishop Patrick Kalilombe at Sacred Heart Parish (Zomba Cathedral).

Described by many as humble and dedicated priest to his ministry, late Father Nyalugwe served in the following parishes: Thondwe, Mlombozi, Mayaka, Lisanjala, Liwonde, Saint Charles Lwanga, Domasi and Chipini.

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