Information sourced by this publication indicates that the controversial Customary Land Bill which will see Malawians paying for the land they inherited from their ancestors and other 17 Bills have been sent to President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika.

Presidential Press Officer Mgeme Kalilani has confirmed of the development in an interview with one of the local daily papers [Daily Times].

“The bills were sent to the President and he has officially gotten them today (Wednesday). I do not know how many they are but what I can confidently say is that the bills have reached the President,” Kalilani was quoted as saying.

During the past sitting, Parliament passed 18 bills out of the 26 bills that government brought in the house.

Of all the bills, the Customary Land Bill attracted criticisms from all corners with others advising the President not to assent the bill into law.
Many people said the bill is gagging chiefs from having powers on the land.

But government through Ministry of Lands and House Atupele Muluzi quashed the claims, saying the bill will give chiefs chance to own the land.

Meanwhile government will soon role out an awareness campaign throughout the country.

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