Many children under the age of five are suffering malaria in Likoma Island as parents are using mosquito nets for fishing rather than its intended purpose.


According to District Health officer, David Suwali has disclosed that many parents in the district are using mosquito nets as source of income instead of using it as shield against mosquitos at night.

“Over past two years, many children under the age of five were used to suffering from malaria. But now Through the world vision programs which are underway in the district,we expert people  will  understand  the importance of using mosquito net for its intended means rather than using for fishing and drying fish,” he said.

mosquito net

The officials of world vision in north believe that people in the district will know the importance of using mosquito nets through their programs.

The word vision is civil educating people in the area; the proper way of using nets and convincing other families who have some beliefs that prevented them from using these nets.

The district is expected to have low malaria cases by 2017 through these world vision programs.





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