Enlightened Christian Gathering (ECG) Church founder and Prophet, Shepherd Bushiri has written President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika asking for permission to visit Moyale Barrack secondary School since he is an alumnus of the school.

Earlier this week, Bushiri was blocked by Malawi Defence Force (MDF) officials from visiting the school, saying he should seek permission from responsible people before visiting the school.

As this was not enough, Bushiri’s convoy was blocked from moving around the ever green city of Mzuzu by Police citing the same reason.

In a letter addressed to President Mutharika posted on his official Facebook page, Bushiri asked the President to allow him visit the School and move freely with his convoy in Mzuzu.

“I write to humble myself Your Excellency. I have pleas that need your authorization.

“Few days ago I was in Mzuzu and I decided to go to Moyale Secondary to visit it as an alumni. It was so embarrassing, your Excellency, when I was stopped saying I had to get authorization in order to visit the school where among others, I had plans to get my certificate and say Hi to my old teachers.

“My President, Moyale Secondary is a place that educated me. I was the Head Boy at this school and I also headed SCOM for the better days I learnt. I would love to meet the current group members and share my experiences with them. After all, I am an alumnus of the school in question Your Excellency,” wrote Bushiri.

He added: “It is unfortunate, Your Excellency, that I cannot go back to the school without asking for your permission. You are the last top authority of the government and I believe when the people say I need to get permission they mean you, in that authority position, have to authorise, otherwise, the people I meet, despite being in control of such places, they still ask me to seek permission “from above”.

“Allow me, Your Excellency, to go to this school. It is all my heart desires.”

Bushiri also complained of the being blocked from visiting one of the hospitals in the country.

“Your Excellency, at the hospital where I went to see the sick, I was denied access saying I had to seek authorisation from above. Like I said, you are the ‘Above’ that everyone referred to.

“Your Excellency, I do not travel alone. I usually travel with my pastors and other people close to me. We can never use one car and as such we usually travel in a number of vehicles together. It is unfortunate that the police in Mzuzu said I have to ask for permission to travel with my friends and family,” wrote Bushiri.

He added: “They said if I am to use the roads of Malawi, then I need clearance from you Your Excellency. I therefore humbly request that you hear me out and give me the advised authority to have a number of cars accompanying me, using the roads of our country which is under your leadership Your Excellency.”

DPP officials regard Bushiri as a threat to them due to recent media reports indicating that he is planning to run for Presidency.
But Bushiri has quashed these clams on several occasions, saying he has no ambitions for Presidency.

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