Police in Zomba have recovered six motor vehicles belonging to Alexandrah Car Hire believed to have been stolen mid August by three imposters claiming to be working with Legal Research Company.

According to Zomba Police Public Relations Officer, Patricia Sipiliano, one of the suspects, MacDonald Chopi approached the owner of the car hire, Kennedy Mtamba saying he would be conducting a research for six to nine months with Legal Research, an organization based in Lilongwe.

She said Chopi requested the six cars and told the owner that they would be using their own drivers and would be responsible for any risk, loss or damage. He took three lorries, two minibuses and a solon and promised payment every 30 days.

On August 14, Mtamba was alarmed after receiving a call from Zomba Road Traffic informing him that someone ―a buyer― wants to change ownership of one of his vehicles.

She said Mtamba then reported the issue to the police who, after intensive investigations, were able to recover all the stolen vehicles.

Sipiliano said the suspects only sold three cars in Blantyre and had the rest in Lilongwe.

The police also managed to arrest the suspect, Chopi aged 36, from Zazira Village, Traditional Authority (T/A) Kadewere, Chiradzulu together with two of his believed accomplices, Patrick Pandepande 39, of Lobi Village T/A Kachere, Dedza and Elevesi Mofolo 40, of Kadyalunda Village, T/A Sawali, Balaka.

The three will appear in court on Thursday, September 1 to answer charges of theft.

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