The High Court on Monday started hearing a MK1.7 billon corruption case involving former President and founder of the United Democratic Front (UDF) Dr. Bakili Muluzi and his personal aide Violet Whiskey.

Muluzi and Whiskey are being accused of diverting MK1.7 billion money meant for development projects while in power into personal account.

During hearing, the defence team lawyers Jai Banda and Tamanda Chokhotho asked presiding judge Maclean Kamwambe to order the prosecution team to review their charge sheet saying most of the counts against Muluzi have no evidence.

Chokhotho said that some of the cash which is said to have been miss-appropriated by his client is not indicated in the charge sheet and there is no proof that the money was indeed squandered by Muluzi.

When asked on the claims by the defence, the principal witness acknowledged in court that he had no knowledge of corruption on money that was being deposited in the Muluzi’s personal account.

The development forced the court to deduct money amounting to MK500 million from MK1.7 billion.

Earlier this year another MK100 Million was deducted as prosecution witness, Victor Banda had told the court that the amount should not be part of the sum because there remained no apparent evidence the ex President corruptly earned it.

Muluzi’s case has been there for over six years now and recently reports emerged that government was planning to drop the case.

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