Blantyre Magistrate Court on Monday adjourned the case involving Peoples Land Organization (PLO) leader Vincent Wandale and 23 others to September 14 2016 and the case will be tried at the scene in Thyolo.

Wandale and 23 other members were arrested on September 2 and September 1 2016 after hundreds of PLO memebers, mostly from Thyolo, invaded privately-owned Conforzi Tea Estate in Thyolo and started sharing land among them.

PLO leader and his vice Chrispin Nkhoma are answering charges four counts; conspiracy to commit a misdemeanour, unauthorised use of land, criminal trespass and inciting violence.

While 22 other suspects are answering three charges.

Appearing before Blantyre Magistrate Court, lawyer for Wandale, Goba Chipeta asked the court to give him more time to familiarise himself with the case.

“When they contacted me, I had an impression that I will only represent the two but I have just been told right now that I should represent all of them.

“ So I need time to consult my client on this and since I have just been served with the disclosures, I would like to be given time to go through the disclosures for a clear understanding of the case,” said Chipeta.

Wandale is currently being remanded at Chichiri Prison in the commercial capital Blantyre.

Meanwhile the case will now take place at Comforzi Tea Estate in Thyolo from Wednesday this week.

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