Despite former Peoples Party (PP) Spokesperson Ken Msonda refusing allegations that he pocketed MK3.5 million from President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika to dump the party, confirmed reports indicates that Msonda met Minister of Finance and Economic Development Goodall Gondwe before his resignation.

Gondwe who is also Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) for the north confirmed of the development in an interview with the press.

According to Gondwe, Msonda personally informed him of his interest to join the Party.

“I never courted him, it is him who came to my house and told me that he was quitting PP. He went on to say he may be joining our Party,” Gondwe was quoted as saying in the Nation on Sunday.

Msonda announced his resignation last week, saying he wants to take a sabbatical break and reflect on his spiritual life.

As this was not enough, Msonda hinted that come 2019 he will be contesting for Parliamentary seat in Rumphi East, the seat which is currently under Kamlepo Kalua.

The statement attracted mixed reactions with others speculating that the DPP has roped him to fight Kamlepo and he was offered MK3.5 million but Msonda refused the claims.

Msonda went further threatening to sue anyone spreading the news.

Meanwhile PP has accepted Msonda’s resignation and the Party has replaced him with Noah Chimpeni.

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