Dedza First Grade Magistrate Court sitting at Dedza recently convicted and sentenced Henry Julio 29, to 60 months imprisonment with hard labour for possession and offering for sale a human body contrary to Section 16(a) of Anatomy Act, Cap 34:03 of the Laws of Malawi.

The court heard that, Henry Julio was arrested at Hide Out Resthouse while possessing a big travelling bag which contained a body of a dead child who was less than five years old. The same was being offered for sale to possible buyers who escaped during the arrest of Henry Julio.

In court, Julio pleaded not guilty to the charge but the State paraded 5 witness who quashed Julios sentiments.

In mitigation, the State through Prosecutor Superintendent Patrick Chambuluka of Dedza Police Station requested the court to place Julio under a stiff of punishment for his heinous and barbaric behaviour. Chambuluka further argued that, people of Julio’s behaviour are a great threat to the society and ought to be punished severely.

Before the sentence, His Worship Mwambo concurred with the state and told the court that, Julio’s behaviour cannot be condoned.

Mwambo then slapped Julio with a 60 months jail term with hard labour.

Henry Julio comes from Namkumba village, Traditional Authority Kaphuka in Dedza district.

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