Mangochi District Council direct employees Monday staged a sit-in demanding new salaries and arrears dating back to 2014.

A visit to the District Commissioner’s offices by the Malawi News Agency (MANA) established that the staff was on a 24 hour strike and were just sitting outside their offices idle or playing bawo and cards among other games.

The Civic Offices were sealed with some striking employees carrying posters branded with a wide range of grievances.

“We are demanding salary arrears which have accumulated from 2014 – 2016 as announced by the Secretary to the Treasury. We are also asking management to consider transferring Alexander Lumbalo (a human resource officer) who is behind the whole confusion since he has overstayed at the council,” spokesperson for the direct employees Steven Sibale alleged.

He said the striking members of staff are expecting to get answers to their concerns during a meeting with management which is scheduled to take place Wednesday.

On his part, District Commissioner (DC) for Mangochi, James Manyetera said he could not say anything on the matter as he was in Lilongwe on other duties and would come back to MANA as soon as he had the details of the matter.

He did not provide any feedback until the close of business.

“I have just been receiving calls about the issue but we will have a management meeting tomorrow. When I return, we will discuss the issue to its logical conclusion,” Manyetera said.mana

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