Government through Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Corporation Francis Kasaila has backed President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika for chartering private jet to this year United Nations General Assembly, saying Mutharika only used a jet from Malawi to South Africa.

Kasaila’s remarks follow concern raised by some quarters that Mutharika could have considered the challenges the country is currently in like frequent blackouts, lack of essential drugs in public hospitals, hunger and others.

Speaking in an interview with Voice of America (VOA), Kasaila said government analyzed all the challenges before coming up with the decision.
He said Mutharika used commercial flight from South Africa to America.

Commenting on the size of the Malawi delegation to the UN, the Foreign Affairs Minister said government took strict measures on who would form part of the delegation going to UN General Assembly.

Meanwhile reports indicate that some DPP officials who are not part of the UNGA meeting accompanied Mutharika.

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