Former President Dr. Joyce Banda has been appointed as board member for Tana High-Level Forum on Security in Africa.

Banda’s spokesperson Tusekele Mwanyongo confirmed of the development in a statement posted on his official facebook page seen by FaceofMalawi reporter.

The forum provides a hospitable setting for African Heads of State and Government, leaders of business and Civil Society, leading scholars and representatives of Africa, and Global partners, to examine and debate central issues and challenges facing African peace and Security.
The board is currently chaired by H.E Olusegun Obasanjo,Former President of Nigeria.

Banda has also been appointed Patron of Disability, HIV/AIDS Trust (Dhat) of Zimbabwe.

Dhat is non-profit regional organization, registered in Harare, Zimbabwe as a Trust in 2007 and managed by a Board of Trustees.

DHAT promotes the rights and capacity building of Persons with Disabilities having cervical cancer, TB, infected and affected by HIV and AIDS; aimed at achieving inclusion and full participation of Persons with Disabilities in response to disability rights, cervical cancer, Tuberculosis, Sexual reproductive health rights (SRHR), HIV and AIDS interventions.

Banda left the country just after the May 20 2014 tripartite election which saw the then opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) under President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika emerging victorious.