Minister of Local Government and Rural Development Kondwani Nankhumwa has suspended three senior officials at Lilongwe City Council over the recent fire that gutted Lilongwe Centra market, destroying goods worth millions.

The suspension comes barely two weeks after Nankhumwa fired warning shots at official.

According to information sourced by this publication, Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development has suspended Director of Planning, Hillary Kamela, Director of Administration, Dyton Milanzi and Fire department Director, a Mr. Chapeyama.

Confirming the suspension, Nakhumwa said the three will be on suspension pending conclusion of investigations into the fire incident.

The Lilongwe Central market fire last month saw President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika contradicting Nankhumwa on how the City Council officials responded to the incident.

Mutharika commended the officials for reacting on time to the fire incident while Nankhumwa brushed the officials as it was revealed that the fire fighters arrived at the scene three hours late.

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