The Vice President Dr Saulos Chilima on Wednesday has also assured Malawians that the government is doing all it can to control the looming hunger and told the people that Admarc Markets will open this Monday.

Speaking at Kaliyeka Primary School ground where Chilima took the campaign to this ward in Lilongwe South East to call for support  for DPP candidate Stella Nyasulu for councillor, Chilima had also  chance to assuage hunger crisis.

“Everything about hunger is under control. We have enough food including maize to contain the situation. As we speak Admarc Deports will open on Monday. So the opposition should not come here and tell you about hunger. Tell them to tell you something else because this hunger issue is under control,” said the Vice President.
Nyasulu contests in election  because  of the death the former DPP councillor for the area.
other elections are taking place in  Mchinji West Constituency (parliamentary), Bunda Ward in Kasungu, Kaliyeka Ward in Lilongwe, Bembeke Ward in Dedza and Sadzi Ward in Zomba where Chilima is chairman of the by elections campaign.
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