Controversial Malawi Congress Party (MCP) spokesperson Jessie Kabwila has once again refused to appear before the Party’s disciplinary committee to hear her side of the story on the charges leveled against her.

Kabwila was suspended together with lawmaker Joseph Njobvuyalema two months ago for allegedly having a hand in the botched torching of the MCP headquarters in the capital Lilongwe.

Speaking during a media briefing organized on Monday, Kabwila said she has once again denied to appear before the disciplinary committee due to failure by the party to communicate to her the charges leveled against her.

She said she is only hearing from the newspapers and radios that she is being accused of having a hand in the botched torching of MCP’s headquarters.

Kabwila also said that she will only appear before the hearing only if the venue is change, saying the Party’s headquarters is not a safe place for her.

Meanwhile Potiphar Chidaya who is allegedly to have sent an invitation letter to Kabwila has described her as ‘very difficult person’.

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