National Organizing Secretary for the ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Richard Makondi has dragged to Court Blantyre Newspapers Limited (BNL) now known as Times Group Limited for publishing a story regarding his involvement in the plunder of public funds at Capitol Hill dubbed cashgate.

Malawi News carried a story saying that Makondi together with former MDF Commander General Henry Odillo (retired), Lieutenant General Clement Kafuwa (retired) and former Ministry of Finance budget director Paul Mphwiyo were involved in a deal where MDF bought about 35 vehicles from Toyota Malawi worth K895 million.

Investigations done by the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) claimed that the vehicles were overvalued and did not have specifications agreed in the contract.

The paper also reported Makondi is one of the people who exerted pressure on the Electricity and Supply Commission of Malawi (Escom)’s former Director of Finance Betty Mahuka for her to authorize MK4 billion payment towards fraudulent procurement.

The story angered Makondi who through his lawyer his lawyers Joe and Max Chambers has filled a libel suit against Times Group for alleged defamation of character.

The High Court has since given Times Group Limited 14 days ultimatum to respond in writing on the matter or face court contempt.

Meanwhile Times Group is yet to respond on the matter.

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