Malawi’s former President Dr. Joyce Banda on Tuesday, November 15, 2016, addressed the ‘RISING Global Peace Forum’ in Coventry, Britain, calling for genuine political will among world governments and leaders to incorporate the woman’s voice “at all cost to realize genuine peace resolution in conflict-prone territories”.

Dr. Banda shared her own experiences and what barriers she faced on her journey to leadership and discussed what women and girls can achieve – for themselves, for their communities, and for the world – when those barriers are broken down.

She also discussed how empowerment of women can help them actively participate in bringing about peace and security in the world.

RISING 16 examined “the ripple effect” of responding to conflict, whether with action or inaction and explored the consequences of interventions in areas such as global migration, international conflict, community cohesion and countering violent extremism; and the role of women in peace and security; and the impact of conflict on children and young people.

The event explored the consequences of interventions in areas such as global migration, international conflict, community cohesion and countering violent extremism; the role of women in peace and security; and the impact of conflict on children and young people.

Other high-profile speakers at the conference included Andrew Mitchell, UK’s Conservative MP and former Secretary of State for International Development, Laura Liswood, Secretary General of the Council of Women World Leaders, (CWWL), Mohamed Nasheed, the president of the Maldivian Democratic Party who served as the fourth president of the Maldives (2008 – 2012) and Atifete Jahjaga, the first woman President of the Republic of Kosovo, elected by the Parliament of Kosovo on April 7, 2011, among others.

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