Almost 60 percent of Malawians are Christians where some are convinced to allow the Termination of Pregnancy bill to be passed at Parliament sitting, while other noble local churches are still against it.

The Churches are against the development as they claim that they still recognize the moral principles which cannot allow such thing to happen, so they are planned to have organize countrywide demonstrations to persuade lawmakers not to pass the bill into law.

The two, Roman Catholic under the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) and Evangelical Churches under Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM) have expressed their discomfort in seeing the Termination of Pregnancy bill passed into law.

According to the two churches, abortion remains immoral and evil to a God-fearing country like Malawi therefore they have set December 6 to hold this demonstration as to show their real take on the bill.

In an interview in the capital Lilongwe on Thursday, ECM general secretary Dr. Fr. Henry Saindi said it is against the faith to have such laws amongst the believers and it is simply to publicise sin.


“From the faith perspective, our belief is that the bill of terminating pregnancy if passed into law, is a direct attack to life and must be considered as immoral and evil,” Said Saindi.

Chairperson for MCC Reverend Alex Maulana disclosed that they are in support of the bill to be a law in the country.

Currently, sections 149 to 151 of the penal code criminalise abortion but some health and gender activists have been advocating for the review of these two sections.

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