A body representing pentecostal and charismatic churches has promised to stand by the Episcopal Conference of Malawi (ECM) against the promotion of abortion and gay marriages.

According to Apostle Willie Chaponda, President of the Pentecostal and Charismatic Network of Malawi has said the body will also join the December 6 scheduled demonstration organised by the ECM.


“We want to agree with the ECM and the Evangelical Fellowship of Malawi on the demos slated for 6 December, we will join them because it is a genuine cause. We don’t agree that the country should have a law that okays abortion or gay marriages, that is not Biblical and it is a sin,” he said.

Chaponda said it was imperative that Christians must not subscribe to “imposed cultures that aim at diluting Christian morality in the country”.

“Abortion is killing, and the Bible clearly says, ‘do not kill’, so why advocate for elimination of life? The argument that it is about saving a life is not right and it is a lie because that is already provided for in our hospitals. We cannot be part of violation of our faith by contradicting what the Bible says, the Bible is our Christian Constitution, hence we cannot go against it,” Chaponda said.

He further condemned some churches’ leaders who have taken a soft stance to the issue of legalisation of abortion and same sex unions accusing them of going out of the way.

Recently, the Livingstonia Synod of the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP) also came out strongly to condemn the advocacy for abortion and same sex marriages , stressing they do not subscribe to termination of life.

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