Does thunder strike twice in the same place? That is what fate has brought the way of Charles after two women dumped him just as they were getting ready for marriage.


Charles  wrote for advice after he confronted unexpected breakup.

“Dear advisor,

My name is Charles, a 33-year-old man. At the moment, I am a sad, devastated and distraught man because of the way my fiance treated me just two weeks to our wedding.

I met Felicia two years ago after a turbulent relationship that almost made me run mad. I was heartbroken by a woman I had dated for four years with the hopes of settling down with her.

But little did I know that she had other plans because she sneaked to her village and got married to a man who came back from Europe.

I felt so bad and stayed away from women for over a year until my younger sister introduced me to Felicia who was her friend from school.

I was still sceptical about going into another relationship but Felicia proved to be different and showed genuine interest in making me forget the pains I was going through.

Despite myself, I fell in love with her gradually and before long, I had given her my heart. I forgot my past hurt and threw myself into my new relationship and proposed to Felicia one year later and she did not hesitate to accept my proposal.

But how was I to know that the hands of the clock would be turned back so soon and from someone who professed to love me more than life itself?

We had done the necessary introduction and engagement, the cards were out and we had booked for the venue and the caterers.

We had bought our wedding dresses, the bridesmaids and groomsmen were all waiting for the great day; our parents were ready and the two families were all set for the wedding when Felicia dropped a bomb two weeks to the day by saying she was no more interested.

When she first told me, I thought it was one of her pranks and told her not to joke about such things but she was very serious and was sorry for what she was going to cause.

I tried everything to get her to change her mind but she would not budge. The two families and friends tried to talk her into not disgracing us but she stood her grounds.

Then she disappeared and has been incommunicado all along and all efforts to get through to her has been fruitless.

I am gradually going out of my senses and do not know what to do. Can someone out there help me out before I run mad?


How you can help Charles? put yourself in his shoes.

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