With the year 2016 rounding up in a few weeks, Malawians are looking forward to the new year with renewed optimism and are praying some things go away with the year.

At the end of the year, most people make resolutions on what they will either do or change in their lives in the coming years.

These could either be some habits they had been living with and want to change or a resolve on what they would want to see a change in their lives.

The same thing goes for Malawians who have been expressing what they do not want to see in the country in the year 2017.

After sampling the opinions of a cross-section of Malawians, five things stood out among the things they do not want to continue living with in the year 2017.

  1. Power Outages

The constant power outages have done so much damage to the country with companies and investors turning their backs on the nation, taking their businesses to other countries.Escom 3443

In 2017, Malawians hope government will attend to the power sector on time and take Malawians out of darkness.

  1. Corruption

Corruption has become the second nature of Malawians in every facet of life, be it in political office or everyday lifestyle of Malawians.

The way politicians have looted the country is alarming and has plunged Malawi  into its darkest hours and nothing seems to be done to stem the tide.

The government not employing its citizens normally, all its sectors are corrupted, police recruitment, Prison warden recruitment did not go well this year just to mention few.

In August, President Peter Mutharika admitted to the claim by Britain’s High Commissioner Michael Nevin that corruption in his country is “worsening”

According to Transparency International, Malawi is ranked on 112 among most corrupt countries in world.  And from the look of things presently, this index is not about to change anytime soon with the rate at which the country’s political class is going where anyone elected into any position sees that as a ticket to loot the country blind.

Members of the National Assembly are not helping matters at all as all they do is to fight and scramble for what they can get without caring for the masses who voted them into power in the first place.

They are only concerned about what goes to them and any attempt by the executive to stop them is met with stiff resistance.

  1. Lack of Employment

Many graduates are suffering, out there to secure a job is not an easy things, the professional courses such as nursing, teaching and among others were before a direct passport to have job after graduating but now things are different. Teachers stay more than two years without being recruited, other courses things are much worse.

Malawians want to see job opportunities next year

  1. Improved Infrastructure

The decay of infrastructure in the country over the years has been amazing where nothing seems to work for the good of the masses.

Supporters of the present government will argue that the infrastructure decay did not start with the current regime but before they got into power, they had promised Malawi that they would soon change things for the betterment of the people.

The state of the roads in the country can bring tears to the eyes; health care has broken down; the educational sector is in shambles.

Malawians do not want to continue to live with these decays in 2017

  1. Poor Economy

This again, the present government will argue that the economy crisis did not start with the current regime but before they got into power, they had promised Malawi that they would soon change things for the betterment of the people.

The prizes of commodities are very high, getting much higher each and every day but government is doing nothing.

Malawians want to see a better Malawi this coming year


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