Ex-wife to former President Dr. Bakili Muluzi who is also founder of the United Democratic Front (UDF), Anne arrived in the country on Thursday from United States of America (USA) through Chileka Airport to attend the burial of her daughter Esmie Muluzi Malisita.

Esmie died on Monday after being struck by lightning, together with her close friend Hazel Busile in Mpemba.

The heart broken Anne arrived in the country at around 1pm and was welcomed by family members of former President Dr. Bakilili Muluzi.

Anne, the first woman to be called First Lady was later driven to Kapoloma Village in Machinga to pay her last respect to her first born daughter who will be laid to rest today.

The former Malawi’s first lady is in Malawi for the first time since separating with Muluzi in 1999.

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