As Malawians are eagerly waiting for the truth to come out in the gruesome murder of Anti-Corruption Bureua (ACB) Director of Corporate Services Issa Njauju, relatives have pleaded with government to speed up investigations on the matter.

Speaking in an interview with one of the privately owned radio, MIJ fm, Ibrahim Njauju said the slow pace of the investigations into the murder of Njauju worries the family.

“We are urging the state to speed up the investigations so that we know the truth, we know who killed our brother and for what reason,” said Ibrahim.

He said the family still mourns Issah whom he said was very helpful in the family and always sought peace whenever there was trouble.

Police spokesperson James Kadadzera said the law enforcers are working round the clock to find the killers of Njauju.

Njauju was found dead on July 4 2015 with his body half-buried near Lilongwe River and his Toyota Hilux double-cabin vehicle burnt to ashes behind the presidential villas in Lilongwe.

Postmortem results showed that he was shot twice in the neck and chest before he was buried near Lilongwe River.

Njauju, 49, came from Mangochi and was a devout Moslem.

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