Today’s world men find it easy to ask out a woman just for a mere text, but these new development some women find it weird.

Kenyan journalist, Nancy Roxanne spited some words that depicted the unbecoming of this this development.

“I think there is too much texting in today’s relationships. What happened to the good, old-fashioned phone call? The economic crunch notwithstanding, text messaging is a lousy form of communication.

It is lazy, impersonal and a clear indication that you are really not all that interested in the person you are texting.

I find it rather unsavory that a good number of men have no misgivings about building a relationship around text messages!.

“Texting is really cute when you are a teenager. You can text back and forth with your sweetheart all day. After all, which teen wants to waste their allowance on airtime to call when texting is so cheap?

As an adult, however, you are expected to have brushed up on etiquette and know how to behave appropriately. But the sad truth is that we have raised a generation of wimps who are allergic to dialing.

There is nothing that peeves me more than a guy asking me out through a text message.

Are you kidding me? It doesn’t matter how cute you are or how bleak my Friday night is looking! I’d sooner curl up on the couch and battle the weekend blues than give my time of day to a douche that doesn’t have the decency to pick up the phone and call me.

It is so endearing when a man takes five minutes off his busy schedule to call you and ask you how your day is going. A text message doesn’t quite leave the same impression. With a phone call, you can have a personal connection and also hear the sincerity in his voice.

I am not saying we should write off texting altogether. However, we need some serious lessons on when it is appropriate to text and when it is not. You should never ask a woman out on a date via a text message.

Call it outdated, but it is the only acceptable way of initiating a relationship; a serious relationship anyway. Ladies, I suggest you get with the programme. If a man you like sets up a date via text and you get totally jazzed about it, you are just encouraging this uncouth behavior.

I suggest not replying to the text at all. Let him stew in his juices until he plucks up some manners. Never send an apology on text, never have an argument over text and never discuss serious issues on texts.

Actually, the only time you are allowed to text your significant other is when calling is impossible and when your woman is away.

If your boyfriend only texts you and rarely picks up the phone to actually call, your relationship is in some serious trouble.

Texting should never be a substitute for real conversations. Intelligent men call, they don’t text. Steer clear of textual relationships!” she wrote.

Men indeed should call not just get advantage of what-apps, Facebook and mere texting.

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