Government through Minister of Information and Communications Technology Malisoni Ndau has criticized Malawi Congress Party (MCP) President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera for labeling President Professor Arthur Peter Mutharika a failure, saying Chakwera is suffering from political delusions.

Recently Chakwera issued a State of the National Address where he highlighted a number of challenges that Malawians are facing and accused the President as failure.

Chakwera said Mutharika should stop living in denial and take full responsibilities of the challenges rocking the country.

But in a statement issued on Saturday, Ndau said Chakwera does not have the legal grounds for claiming to make a “State of the Nation Address” when he is not a Head of State.

“We feel sorry that Chakwera is suffering political delusions of imagining that he is the one ruling this country. These political delusions are caused by the fact that he is living a myth. Chakwera has never accepted that he lost the 2014 Election because he failed to put in place structures across the country.

“We also know he is leading a political party that rejected democracy and lost the referendum call for multiparty politics in 2003. Since then, Malawi Congress Party (MCP) has never embraced democracy,” reads in part the statement.

He added: “As a result of their anti-democratic ideology, MCP has always rejected the will of the people and any Election results throughout 1999, 2004, 2009 and 2014.”

Ndau further said Chakwera’s party has always found an excuse to deny the outcome of the popular vote.

“You can safely predict that Chakwera’s party will also claim vote rigging once they lose the 2019 Election.

“We further understand Chakwera’s political psychology and frustration as a result of an abortive mission. We know that Chakwera conspired and colluded with Joyce Banda to frustrate the 2014 Elections.

“Joyce Banda ordered the Malawi Defence Force (who acted professionally and refused) to disrupt the Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC) tally centre; ordered the MDF (who again refused) to stage a coup to take her own Government; and to nullify results by reading sections of the Constitution that do not exist. Malawians will never forget those trying days,” said Ndau.

Meanwhile Chakwera is yet to respond on the matter.

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