By Robert Kumwenda

The Public Affairs Committee (PAC) attributes delays in holding in its Annual General Assembly as is it required by its constitution due to delay in securing resources from its donors.

The current Chairperson for PAC Reverent Felix Chingota said this in Blantyre at its Annual General Assemby.

He said according to its constitution the religious body organization is supposed to hold its AGM every three years saying that section 15 sub section 2 states that member executive of PAC committee holding their position for three years are supposed to hold AGM and eligible for reelection.

“Our meeting today is the fulfillment of that mandate, the other problem that made us to delay in holding AGM is because we had a number of interface meetings with the executive arm of government,” he said.

He therefore said that they to be accountable and transparent in our decision makings hence the holding of the AGM.

Chingota said the major challenge the religious body has been facing is lack of enough resources to run its activities and lack of political will by politicians to engange in dialogue.

He also dismissed reports that the body was corrupted by some political leaders to remain silent.

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