A traditional leader in Phalombe has asked authorities to redeploy Malawi Defence Force (MDF) to protect forest reserves  in Michesi and Mulanje where people have now ventured into rampant cutting of trees.

Traditional Authority (T/A) Kaduya told local media on Monday that after soldiers  being withdrawn from the two reserves two months ago has negatively contributed to massive cutting down of trees.

The soldiers withdrew after six months of a partnership between the department of environmental affairs and the Malawi Defence Force (MDF) to assist the forestry department in protecting the two reserves.

According to TA Kaduya, officials need to swiftly intervene by redeploying soldiers in the two forest reserves to protect the remaining trees which are being cut an alarming rate.

“If the authorities fail to intervene on the matter in the next five months we’ll be talking of a different story; charcoal and timber producers are now targeting areas that remained with trees,” said Kaduya.

She said chiefs in the district have been sensitizing people on the dangers of cutting down trees carelessly, but other people choose to ignore the messages hence the call.

Spokesperson for the department of environmental affairs Sangwani Phiri said the department is currently sorting out logistical arrangements for them to redeploy soldiers in the two forest reserves.


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