In the spirit of the season, please receive our humble greetings. We greet you with swollen hearts. Hearts that are tired of oppression and bullying. Hearts that are heavy with agony, anguish and hopelessness.

We, the students of University of Malawi, Polytechnic, have followed your teachings. They border on hardwork and determination.

They border on making sacrifices and living by the standards set by oneself. You are a living testimony of your own teachings. Not only have you accumulated so much spiritual blessings from the Lord, you have also been blessed with riches. One thing that we know has set you apart from the rest of the people in your league is that you are selfless, humble, benevolent and patriotic.

You have used both your spiritual and earthly riches to touch the lives of millions of Malawians and many people from across the globe. May the good Lord continue blessing you abundantly Father. It is with the beliefs outlined above that we come to you for your assistance.

We are tired, abused, lied to and left to wither in the scorching heat of oppression by the people we entrusted with the mandate to govern us. Major 1, you may be interested to know that our institution has been on shutdown for the past five months.

The reason for the shutdown is that the authorities want to force the students to pay K400, 000 each student per year when infact we are not subjective to the new fees structure in the 2015/2016 academic year. The matter has been in and out of the courts and on all those occasions, justice has always favoured us, the students.

However, even with one and half academic year behind, our authorities still haven’t seen the wisdom to open the college.

Their argument is that they still have a deficit of about 2 billion Kwacha. The saga has left us loitering the nooks and crannies of our country with nothing but anguish in our souls. We are living everyday hoping to hear that the powers that be, have finally found that solution to our tribulations. Sadly, our cries have fallen on deaf ears.

Ears that have no time to listen to the concerns of a bunch of young and poor students who are trying so hard to be something in this life. Major 1, as it stands now, you are the only person standing between hope and damnation. You are the only individual who can pull us out of this misery.

You are the only one who can come in to help us get back to school. The dreams of thousands of young, brilliant and ambitious Malawians depend on your intervention. We humbly ask you to assist us in any way you can to see us back in class.

We remain hopeful that our plea will see the light of the day. May the good Lord continue blessing you in all your endeavours.


Embattled Poly Students.

*The open letter to Prophet Shepherd Bushiri came after Major 1 in 2016 sponsored 3000 students in Africa on scholarships

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